Frank Fuhrmann – Facebook Editor and Manager PR & Online Marketing for the MWM brand, has been with the company since 2009. His responsibilities include PR, social media, digital marketing, and photo/video productions at MWM. Frank Fuhrmann has more than 30 years of experience in the field of marketing.
Back in the 1980s, Frank Fuhrmann started working for an advertising agency as an account manager. Thereafter, he took up a job in the editorial office of a newspaper and later served in various marketing positions with industrial enterprises of the capital goods industry. Most recently, Frank Fuhrmann worked in Switzerland.
He has already received several international awards, including six intermedia-globe awards, in recognition of his MWM video productions.
In terms of editorial content, he particularly focuses on topics such as environmentally friendly energy generation and its economic implementation.
Contact details
T +49 6 21/3 84 – 86 33
Posts by Frank Fuhrmann

Bioenergy: Key Success Factor at a Turning Point in History
In the face of the ongoing gas crisis, biogas is capable of delivering an important contribution to energy security in Germany. To scale the biogas production to the required level, however, new plants need to be built and existing capacities need to be ramped up as soon as possible.

Energy Generation in Wunsiedel: Decentralized, Autonomous, Sustainable
The Wunsiedel energy park produces heat and power from renewable energies for the local population. To store the green electricity generated, the park’s electrolysis plant produces green hydrogen, which is converted into electricity whenever needed, thus guaranteeing security of supply.

MWM Energy Blog: Review of the year 2020
The year 2020 is approaching its end. On this occasion, we would like to thank the readers of the MWM Energy Blog for their positive feedback on the launch of our blog.

Proactively Ensuring the Future of Energy
Our society’s welfare depends on an operable energy supply framework. Without power, heat, and mobility, we would not be able to maintain our standard of living. Therefore, the objective of the energy reform is to ensure reliable, economically viable, and eco-friendly energy support. Read our posts on this topic in our MWM Energy Blog.
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